Ck2 holder is of wrong holding type
Ck2 holder is of wrong holding type

ck2 holder is of wrong holding type

Each barony within the same de jure duchy as the realm capital will gain +10% Levies. The realm capital can only be moved once per lifetime unless it's the de jure capital of the primary title.

  • The realm capital is the barony where a ruler and its court resides and is always inherited by the primary heir.
  • County capitals can be changed when the owner of the county also has another holding in the county. Furthermore, if the county is also the capital of its de jure duchy, then the barony gains one further building slot for the Duchy building. County capitals allow the construction of an additional building and have +1 Fort Level. Its holding can never be destroyed and is always owned by the ruler who holds the county title.
  • The county capital is the primary barony of a county.
  • In this example, Chester is the county capital (1) and can become the realm capital (2). The holding window displays a barony's capital status.

    Ck2 holder is of wrong holding type